Every franchisor should understand and take their compliance obligations extremely seriously. A failure to clearly understand these obligations can expose you to consequences that may have been avoidable.
We recommend that after you have reviewed your disclosure document, you consult with us to check the amendments you have made.
We always recommend that you conduct an annual review of the terms of your franchise agreement to cover changes in the law and commercial practice.
Late 2023 important changes commenced to the Unfair Contract Term regime that required you to visit whether any of your standard form small business contracts are affected and reviewed. Importantly you should review the terms of your franchise agreement to ensure it reflects best practice and that it does not contain terms that have been determined by the Courts to be unfair or those that the ACCC have signaled to the sector are likely to be unfair.
Download this document for a comprehensive overview of your obligations and a checklist with key dates to assist you with your annual review.